Nova Capri
Originally uploaded by ishoothorizon
Not a camera, not a toycamera, a toy. Green.
Bougt for 0,50 Euro, Adinkerke, Belgium.
This blog is about the numerous cameras I have acquired on the numerous fleamarkets I have visited. Located in Ostend, Belgium.
Not a camera, not a toycamera, a toy. Green.
Bougt for 0,50 Euro, Adinkerke, Belgium.
Not a camera, not a toycamera, a toy. Yellow.
Bougt for 0,50 Euro, Adinkerke, Belgium.
Hong-Kong Chinese red.
Bought for 1 Euro, Oostende, Belgium.
Shaped like a Zenit, bright viewer and M42 lens.
Bought for 10 Euro, Zeebrugge, Belgium.
Ex Ansco, GAF made some interesting cameras. Nice woody-skinny leatherette and rather fine design for this 110 camera.
Bought for 1 Euro, Oostende, Belgium.
For the daltonians, this should be orange.
Bought for 1 Euro, Nieuwpoort, Belgium.
Coupled seleniummeter, you set speed, the aperture is automatic, fixed lens.
Bought for 15 Euro, Brugge, Belgium.
1859, still working, a bit of oxidation, strange clocking-mechanism on the lens, nicely yellow coated glass.
Bought for 5 Euro, Oostduinkerke.
Pimped the bad-dull-black-skinned Rollei SL 35 from the fleamarket at 10 Euro, with a synthetic-red-snake-skinned-leatherette free from a fleamarket lost old ladies handbag that I took from the ground and cutted in pieces.
Bought for 10 Euro, Vosseslag, Belgium.
Another woody-plastic design with this in the front polished aluminium and in the back plastic design, powerfull zoom. All automatic.
Bought for 1 Euro, Adinkerke, Belgium.